According to the American Dental Association (ADA), brushing your teeth regularly with either an electric or a manual toothbrush is effective and will maintain good oral health, but can you take a toothbrush on a plane when you travel ? And can you take an electric toothbrush on a plane?
You can bring both electric and manual toothbrushes on a plane carry-on and checked luggage, electric toothbrushes with lithium batteries are also allowed in carry-on and checked baggage without any issues.
However, the TSA and FAA always recommend packing devices with lithium ion batters in carry-on bags.
This post covers everything you need to know about taking all types of toothbrushes hon planes.

Can you bring a toothbrush on a plane?
As you can see the TSA stated on its website.
You can bring a manual and an electric toothbrush on a plane in your carry-on bag.

This passenger wonders if he can bring his Oral-B Pulsar Expert clean Battery Powered toothbrush in carry-on or Checked bag.
The TSA customer service replied that an electric toothbrush is good to go in carry-on and checked bags.

If you are traveling with a toothpaste or a mouthwash along with your toothbrush.
We have already covered taking toothpaste on planes, but here is little reminder “The TSA allows toothpastes in carry-on baggage but should be within the 3-1-1 liquid limits. Less than 3.4 oz or (100 ml) for a single container sealed and protected together in a transparent ziplock-bag.”
Can you bring electric toothbrush on plane checked baggage?
If you don’t want to take your toothbrush inside your carry-on bag, you can place it in your checked bag.
There are no restrictions to the number of manual or electric toothbrushes you can take in hold luggage.
Generally, the FAA does not restrict all types of electric toothbrushes in checked luggage but they prefer if you take any lithium batteries in carry-on luggage.
So whether a Sonicare toothbrush and Oral-b toothbrushes they are all allowed in checked luggage.
Diego asked the TSA if his electric toothbrush (with battery) is allowed in checked luggage.
The AskTSA customer service replied that “Electric toothbrushes are allowed in both carry-on and checked bags.”

Though we don’t always support traveling with expensive items in checked luggage, for example this Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 Professional flossing toothbrush.
People lose things.
The best place to carry your valuable and expensive items is inside your carry-on bag, because you will keep an eye on them and they are not prone to be tossed or damaged unlike a checked bag.
There are more chances that your expensive toothbrush will disappear from your check in bag, or just turned to pieces.
Roger found that his toothbrush was broken after the TSA inspected his bag, the TSA replied that they always ensure to return everything in its original state after searching the bag.

Do Electric Toothbrushes Have Lithium Batteries?
Most modern rechargeable electric toothbrushes are operated with lithium-ion batteries and most of the time they are not removable.
You can just charge it by placing the toothbrush in the charger set, rather than remove the battery and charge it separately.
Some other electric toothbrushes may use different types of batteries, but any type of them are allowed on planes, because it is not a big deal for both the FAA and the airlines.
Travel Toothbrush
If you are a frequent traveler you already know that it is recommended to have a separate toothbrush that you only take when traveling.
Taking your regular toothbrush with you on your journey there are more chances that you will forget it somewhere.
Here are some of the best manual and electric travel toothbrushes in the market.
Take Care of Toothbrush When Traveling
It is better to not place your toothbrush with your toiletries. Your toothbrush needs to be dry all the time and it does not touch any other toothbrushes.
Some people usually store their toothbrushes in their Ziploc bag, but that will make it grow more bacteria.
Storing a moist toothbrush in a closed container promotes microbial growth more so than leaving it exposed to the open air
So It is recommended to let your toothbrush dry first before you travel, then place it somewhere in your bag but not in the toiletry bag.
Final Thoughts
All types of toothbrushes are allowed on planes.
And it is better to pack your electric toothbrush inside your carry-on bag, to avoid the possibility of being missed or broken.
also you can easily have access to it. in case you want to brush your teeth, especially on long flights,
Toothbrushes with lithium batteries are preferred to be transported inside your carry on bag.
Other Frequently asked questions
If you still want to know more about traveling with items. I’ve already covered a lot of them and other guides about different items .
Check them out.
- Do I need to declare medication at the airport?
- Can You Bring Floss On A Plane?
- Can you take vitamins in checked luggage?
- Can you bring a bar of soap on the plane?
- Can you take makeup on a plane?
- Can you bring hair products in checked luggage?
- Can you take Hairspray on a plane?
- Can You Take Denture Adhesive On a Plane?