Travel Cost Estimator (Easy Free Tool)

Calculate and download the travel costs for your next trip or vacation.

Trip Cost Estimator


Travel Details




Food & Beverage

Other Expenses


Total Estimated Cost: $0.00

Cost Per Day: $0.00

Estimate vs. Budget: $0.00

Per Person Per Day: $0.00

How Do You Calculate Travel Costs?

The first step to figure out your estimated travel costs is to calculate your travel expenses.

To calculate these travel expenses, you can utilize the travel costs calculator above, which allows you to enter some travel details and get an estimate of how much you will spend in total.

  1. Select your country to get an estimate of a daily budget. We used websites like, TripAdvisorand  Forbes to collect the estimated daily budget for each country. 
  2. Add your estimated budget in the first input field.
  3. The number of vacation days and the number of people in the next two input fields.
  4. The total costs of your transportation options, flights, car rental, gas, train, bus, or taxi etc.
  5. The charges per night of the accommodation, hotel, hostel, or Airbnb etc.
  6. Enter the cost per day of your daily activities and tours / museums, attractions, or participate in any activities.
  7. The total food and beverage expenses per day, don’t forget to count any snacks and drinks.
  8. Miscellaneous costs like SIM Cards / Internet / souvenirs and other items.
  9. Tips at restaurants, hotels, and other services.
  10. The total cost of your travel insurance, you can also add an emergency fund for unexpected expenses or changes in plans.
  11. Click Calculate to see the results.
  12. You can download the budget if you want to keep a copy in your phone.

How Much Budget Do You Need To Travel?

The answer to this question depends on your destination, duration, travel style and preferences.

As a general rule, you can use the following formula to estimate how much budget you need to travel:

Travel budget = (Daily budget x Number of days) + Flight cost (Round-trip)

The daily budget is the amount of money you spend on average per day during your trip, excluding the flight cost.

This includes ground transportation, accommodation, food and beverages, activities and attractions, shopping and souvenirs, travel insurance, and tips and other expenses.

The number of days is the duration of your trip, from the day you depart to the day you return.

This includes the travel days, which are usually more expensive than the rest of the days.

The flight cost is the price of your round-trip ticket to and from your destination.

Flights can vary depending on the season, the airline, the route, and the booking class. You can always use google flight to get the best deals.

For example, if you want to travel to Paris for 10 days, and your daily budget is $100 (Including an Eiffel tower summit ticket ), and your flight cost is $500, then your travel budget is:

Travel budget = ($100 x 10) + $500 = $1,500

This is the total budget you need to enjoy Paris for 10 days, based on the estimated expenses.

Of course, this is just an example, and your actual travel budget may vary depending on your specific trip and choices.

But this formula can give you a rough idea of how much money you need to travel, and help you plan your budget accordingly.

How Much Daily Budget Do You Need To Travel?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on many factors, such as the destination, the travel style, duration, and your preferences.

This is a general rule that you can use to estimate how much daily budget you need to travel, based on the average cost of travel in different regions of the world.

RegionAverage cost per day
Asia$30 – $50
Africa$40 – $60
Europe$50 – $100
North America$60 – $120
South America$40 – $80
Oceania$80 – $150

These numbers are based on a backpacker budget, which means staying in hostels, eating local, using public transport, and doing mostly free or cheap activities.

If you prefer a more high end or luxurious travel experience, you can expect to pay more.

If you’re traveling to more expensive countries like Spain, Greece or Norway for example, you can have some extra expenses.

But on a cheaper or more accessible destination, such as Mexico, Morocco, or Thailand, you can expect to spend less.

Frequently Asked Questions About Calculating Travel Costs

Q. How to save some cash on these travel expenses?

A. There are several ways to save when you travel, like booking your flights and hotels early, avoid traveling during peak times and make the most of reward points and any travel discounts.

Q. How to save on transportation while on your trip?

A. Use public transportation, walk, or cycle whenever possible instead of relying on taxis or renting a car.

Q. How to keep track of your travel expenses?

A. To keep track of the expenses that the travel cost calculator gives you, use a mobile app that suits you, a journal and a pen (my favorite), a spreadsheet, or travel expense tracker to jot down any money that comes out of your pocket.

Q. How much it will cost me a 30 days oversea?

A. Again it doesn’t’ matter if you are traveling for or a weekend or 30 days, the answer will depend on several factors like travel style, destination etc, use the travel cost estimator above and enter 30 days as the number of lavation days, and you will get an estimated budget.

Q. Can I use the travel costs calculator for any type of vacation ?

A. Yes. You can use the calculator for any type of trip, whether you are traveling on by RV or by a plane or car.

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